Feminine wash pollution, pain and hogwash

My cousin’s wife is sick again.  For the nth time.  She is just 20 years old and she’s had a miscarriage and is always sick.  Too much coffee, too much softdrinks, too much cooked food, too much commercially farmed food, too much condiments, not enough sun.

This nth time my cousin was thinking she had UTI or urinary tract infection.  My cousin likes those lab tests and he had those for his wife taken.  Blood tests show no UTI.

Luckily, my cousin had a good doctor this time and asked about her feminine wash.  Turned out his wife was a feminine wash ADDICT.  I keep telling people to STOP watching television.  Apparently the young and gullible believe those nice looking advertisements in the media.  His wife uses all brands of feminine wash from PH Care, to Betadine to who knows what, not just EVERYDAY, but EVERY TIME SHE PEES!!!

Hello!  Anybody home?  The young and the gullible need to grow up fast and gain some wisdom.  Feminine wash are chemicals.  Chemicals on your skin.  Polluting you every time you apply it on your skin.  A peeing woman only needs some water and that is it.  No chemicals.

Now I understand how explosive this business of Feminine wash products is.  Lucrative stuff.