Student of nursing apalled that Dr. Tam Mateo is not a western medical doctor

A student nurse has “questions” ridiculing the knowledge of Dr. Tam Mateo because in his opinion he does not respect Dr. Tam’s credentials because he says Dr. Tam is not a western medical doctor. Seems this student nurse has a lot to learn and should brush up on reading the internet to be exposed to other better doctors than mere western mds who are mostly mere pawns of drug companies. In my experience, the good western MDs are those in emergency cases… western mds for diseases are mostly ineffective… in fact they batted a big fat zero for myself… this is why I had to look beyond their idiocy.

My answer to the student nurse is that Dr. Tam is a NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR. And Dr. Tam says that and posts that on his brochures and his store… The First Naturopathic doctor in the Philippines. Dr. Tam dropped everything and learned about true cures to save his wife from cancer, which he did. So he knows about curing cancer than your regular western MD who says “there is no cure for cancer” — idiots.

The first lesson Dr. Tam teaches is constipation, how to be free of constipation, with is the root of many diseases. And Dr. Tam has one of the most powerful, potent and fast acting original product the Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea… it is a herbal colon cleanser… freshly made without preservatives. When all your drug laxatives have failed… Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea will always come through for you. It works so fast… appendicitis operations have been cancelled because Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea acts fast enough to save people from appendicitis.

Now what does your western MD education teach you about constipation and colon cleansing as the root of most diseases? Toxicity? Self intoxication? Do hospital procedures first suspect constipation and the cure for constipation and the prevention of constipation to prevent and cure a vast majority of diseases? Nope. They don’t. I know in Russia, they do.

Dr. Tam deserves our respect because he teaches… for free! You can attend his Sunday seminars for free! No need to pay him… no commitment to buy anything… free trial of his Miracle Tea! Why? It is because health education challenged narrow minded people need education and to personally experience TRUTH.

I’m not saying that I agree with all of Dr. Tam’s opinions, I’m saying he is on the right track and he indeed has helped many people. Dr. Tam is a raw foodist, the raw vegan kind. I’m a raw foodist, the raw omnivore kind… I eat raw organic fruits and raw organic vegetables like dr. Tam, and I add raw organic / wild animal foods as well.

Dr. Tam deserves our love and respect because he does great amounts of free GOOD in the Philippines. By educating his patients he sets you FREE… FREEDOM from the chains of idiotic western MD wrong hypothesis about diseases.

Here is the comment left by of IP Address last 2008/11/05 at the article:

“so i have a question for everyone…i have been told by some that its effective…some not…but first let me ask you is dr tam an medical doctor?…he can be called as a doctor as well maybe because of PhD… in the prescription i couldnt see any MD at the end of his name…and the question he prescribes his medicine to different diseases yet did he able to study every disease???….im under a medical field im a student nurse….as to what the broad of knowledge i have in the course of medicine you have to study every disease that has a specialty for two years…how old is dr tam?…did he start studying medicine since 3 years old?…wake up people…”