Warning: The use of Oral Contraceptives may be dangerous to your health

It is interesting and quite alarming how powerful the marketing of oral contraceptive drugs pills are.  I’m currently witnessing first hand an ecstatic drug user who is on the paleo diet.  How the paleo diet becomes just another fad diet and that drugs presently masking symptoms seem to be heaven sent.

Marika shares her studies that point to “Women who use oral contraceptives apparently don’t need as high an RDA for iron”.

Probably studies backed by multi-million dollar drug companies to support their blockbuster products.  Who else would spend  for these studies?

So I come up with,

How about just dropping these poisonous contraceptive drugs / hormones altogether and be a natural paleo human being?

There are better natural birth spacing alternatives that do not take a toll on health: various natural family planning techniques are very effective.

And Marika replies with,

I love my oral contraceptives! I’ll never stop taking them. They’ve changed my life! I used to have debilitating pain not just a week a month during menstruation but then again at the “middleschmertz” too. And I was a hormonal roller coaster. Every month I was completely non-functional, in tears, writhing in agony. I’d take tons of ibuprofen for the pain and still couldn’t work or do anything but cry.

DH says “Please don’t ever stop taking them!!” (because he had to deal with all that, and it was really, really horrible.) And I agree with him, I am happy, healthy and enjoy life so much more now!

and I reply with

Strange to hear that “lovable” side effect of these drugs.  In our healing circles, oral contraceptives are the cause of many, many, diseases women regret later on.  You reap what you sow.

Maybe you can find in the paleo diet and paleo lifestyle a combination that will surpass the “lovable” side effects of your drugs so you eventually drop the drugs because you no longer need them as a crutch.

Shell_Piece has some Emotional Freedom Technique advice,

Marika, try doing some EFT if your menstruations are too painful. Those pills won’t do a body any good. Here are some written examples…






Marika says she has done her research.  Probably all research funded by companies in the business of selling oral contraceptives.

I don’t see any reason to stop taking oral contraceptives since they have improved my life so greatly, why try to fix what isn’t broken?  Everyone around me (husband, co-workers, family, all my customers) can attest that I am much, much happier, healthier and very much more enjoyable to be around! I’m not at all interested in returning to a life of unhappiness and misery!

I have done plenty of research (as you can tell I love research!). I found that high-level oral contraceptives (which were common previously) DID have negative effects. But I have found no research on the new, low-dose ones, that would convince me that their few negative effects outweight their many positive effects. If you have research that you’d like to share, let me know!

How about research where people take zero drugs and on the original human diet? I reply with,

No drugs… no possible side effects… paleo women did not need drugs.

Maybe you can find in the paleo diet and paleo lifestyle a combination that will SURPASS the “lovable” side effects of your drugs so you eventually drop the drugs because you no longer need them as a crutch.

Marika shows that she lives in the present with,

If I had any negative side effects, I might consider discontinuing them. But as I’ve had nothing but positive effects, I have no reason to discontinue, you know what I mean? … there are so many advantages for me (and no disadvantages) that there’s really no reason to think of discontinuing in my instance!

I had to keep my replies short and concise as elated people in this mindset may not bother reading the downside of their drugs,


Nobody is restricting CHOICE on Marika, Shell_Piece and I are just presenting BETTER CHOICES.

My wife had painful periods in her younger days but she never took the drug route.

I’m happy for your PRESENT condition. It’s your FUTURE I’m worried about.

Young people will make mistakes all the time, they will learn from their mistakes… but do we have to let the young make potentially FATAL mistakes by drugging them for years and years? Marika is so elated about her symptom suppression she cannot be bothered by BETTER CHOICES.

This is a classic case where MONEY feeds all the DRUG STUDIES… what results would you expect other than a favorable outcome for their blockbuster drugs?

Follow the original discussion at the caveman forum http://cavemanforum.com/index.php?topic=1348.0