Food And Feeding In Health And Disease by Chalmers Watson 1915

Almost 100 years ago, this book Food And Feeding In Health And Disease by Chalmers Watson was published and is today freely available in the Chestnut of Books

I stumbled onto this book while looking for a cure for my son’s tuberculosis. Significant here were the recommendations of raw or rare beef with pressed muscle blood juice and a highly carnivorous diet for tuberculosis.

During this time, this healer already knew the recommendations for various popular diseases which he knew in 1915, almost 100 years ago to be thoroughly curable. He even devotes 10 chapters to curing diabetes. Today’s medical paradigm thinks diabetes type 2 is incurable… what a bunch of losers… too greedy hoodwinking the public into taking their awful drugs for profit.

Keep this book in your library. Save it somehow, print it. It is but one piece of the puzzle. It has insight, it has experience behind it. During the time this book was written, their medicine was not yet corrupted by the drug money paradigm. This is one of those books my teacher Barefoot Herbalist MH said we should treasure.

More than 100 years ago, some people already KNEW the cures for various “incurable” diseases. This author wrote some of them down. Happy reading!