Emergency Lung Pain – Green Mucus – Bronchitis – PyroEnergen to the Rescue!

W who was sick for more than a week seemed well enough this morning so she was picked up by the company driver to go to a meeting. Then around 2:30 pm I got a call from her. She said she felt so sick, pain in her right lung, hard of breathing, too much green mucus, she wanted me to take her to the hospital. What???

I’ve been tracking her self-healing attempt and I’ve been seeing mistakes happening every day. But she’s strong willed and believes in her vitamins, homeopathic, herbal, anthroposophic methods and even supernatural anti-black-magic stuff. Wish her all the best. But now this? Oh come on, at least let me have a shot at this?

So I drive back home straight from a Sucat meeting and administer two big items that should give her relief and time.

#1 – Nutrition with kamote tops, juiced raw plus water. Wow, she chugged the whole big glass down. The purpose of this raw vegetable juice is to alkalize her body with vegetable nutrition.

#2 – PyroEnergen treatments, the first shot for 1 hour. It took me a while to re-assemble the machine. I drove by my office on the way where I store the machine for emergencies, then I looked for an aluminum plate, I couldn’t get one in the village hardware store but I saw that the commemorative plate on my wife’s car was a suitable metal, so I used that.

She was dead tired flat on the bed. So I tucked in the metal plate under her butt and administered PyroEnergen treatment that way. Tested the static electricity works with bits of paper. Tested on myself first. Then tested it on her. It’s been a long time since I ran this machine. It still works. I always kept this for emergencies and this is an emergency.

She was impatient. She had not experienced, nor known how and why this machine works. She wanted to go to the hospital. I said, relax, this is emergency treatment, the fast way I know. So let’s get on with it.

She was Pyroenergen treated for 30 minutes, she took a pee break then 30 minutes again.

After that she was up and walking and asked permission to take a bath. (Imagine that. Applause please.) I said go ahead, but no shampoo and no soap. Zero. She was annoyed by that but I explained that those are chemicals and when a person is sick, you absolutely avoid all chemicals. Nothing is sacred, not even soap and shampoo, even if it says it is organic. Can you eat shampoo? No. Can you eat the soap? No. So stop. Cease. Desist. She did take her plain water only shower.

She then called on her sister to help drive away evil spirits which used some special smoke. I disagreed with smoke inhalation but they thought it was a good thing. Well, the patient is always right. They smoked their thing while I drove off with a maid to buy some coconuts and suitable fruit to keep her on a fully raw diet.

I got some coconuts, rambutan, papaya, and native chicken eggs for some easy to digest raw animal protein and fat.

Dinner time she was up and had some conversation with us while she ate some rambutan and coconut juice and meat.

She’s asleep now while getting a second Pyroenergen treatment. When I finish this blog post, I’ll have her drink some raw kamote tops juice again. By the way, our kamote tops now come from our own garden. Freshly picked.

What is Pyroenergen?


PyroEnergen is an original class of invention in the realm of electro-medicine. It corrects the electrical field around your body aura which allows the body to heal itself. See www.pyroenergen.com for more details.