Bitter Melon / Ampalaya Brings Fantastic Healing Results Lowering Blood Sugar Levels

Senior obese man gets a hypoglycemic experience, then measures blood sugar levels and found borderline diabetic high blood sugar levels. He found raw bitter melon information saying it allowed the body to absorb carbohydrates normally and maintain blood sugar levels.

I attribute this improvement to my less than a week of raw bitter melon fruit regimen. I eat my normal diet plus:

First, boiled and pureed ampalaya fruit.

Second, fresh raw and pureed ampalaya fruit.

Third, fresh raw and pureed ampalaya fruit added with two tablespoons of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil).

The past 2 weeks I take one capsule of 200 mg freeze-dried “Bitter Melon” fruit dietary supplement( mfd in Oregon).

Tonight I prepared bitter melon salad. Just raw bitter melon with raw onions and my homegrown raw tomatoes.

I had my blood sugar levels and results showed 83 mg/dl. The test was done after 1.5 hours lang after lunch.

The normal blood glucose ranges are:

Before meals or after an 8-hr fasting—–90-130 mg/dl.

Two hours after meals———————Less than 160 mg/dl.

At bedtime——————————–110-150 mg/dl.

Fantastic, huh?

Bitter Melon works to regulate blood sugar levels… absolutely, absolutely.


That’s the way it’s done.
The power of nutrition.
Super duper easy. Super duper fast.

If you missed my bitter melon video for diabetes, I posted it here in our forum
