Decided to Take for 30 days for My Tapeworm Problem

A week ago I noticed expelling live tapeworms in my poop, with eggs. I theorize they might have been annoyed by my eating of lots of real vinegar and lots of powerful ilocos raw garlic for 2 weeks with my horse ceviche. It may just also mean I have infestation levels where I’m now spreading their ilk. Who cares? I see them, I kill them. It is time to kill tapeworms et al. I will be using the herbal dewormer for 30 days to kill a broad spectrum of bugs.

For those who think I’m special. No way. All of you have parasites too. As my teacher barefoot herbalist MH says, parasites are everywhere. And many diseases and conditions have parasite angles in them.

I now know how to do the drug route against tape worms:

But given the unfamiliarity of drugs to me and the risks of unfamiliarity with drugs, I have decided today that I will go with herbal dewormer HUMAWORM.COM

My last herbal deworming 2.5 years ago was

It is only logical to choose a different dewormer formula such as, I had taken some 4 or 5 years ago (pre Raw Paleo Diet) and it went splendidly well. So I know isn’t going to kill me or injure me.

My order comes in 1 week. Then it is herbal deworming time again. 2 capsules every 12 hours for 30 days. So easy.

For those who love me and care about me, I feel fine and so great… the only symptoms were the tape worms and eggs I saw in my poop… my friend is right… don’t wait for me to feel bad… hit the worms now.