Confessions of a Veteran Pharmaceutical Drug Company Representative Gwen Olsen

Listen to Ms. Gwen Olsen blow the whistle on her former profession. Sounds like a woman who found her conscience and rather than let a quiet conscience destroy her, she chose to let it all out. See and hear the confessions of a veteran pharmaceutical drug company representative Gwen Olsen.

To my loved ones, I hope you are listening and internalizing this video. The generation of my grand parents who were victimized by the maintenance drug paradigm is closing… most of them are gone… we have seen how degenerate and unintelligible many of them aged.

In contrast, I’ve seen my zero drugged grand father retain all his marbles, retain his humour and his hearing, he was a joy to speak with until the last day of his life at almost 100. Some of the baby boom generation, my parents’ generation were also victims of the drug paradigm… they thought chemicals and drugs were the latest best technologies… it’s not their fault, they were still bereft of internet technology back then.

With my generation, some were lucky to be awakened… I lived to learn and heal people, and with my children’s generation… no more, their generation is saved, they have a much brighter future, much better health, a more pleasant life… because now we know… we laid down the principles of health and healing… and somehow, patent medicines do not fit the health, fertility and longevity principles.

It is not enough that YOU KNOW.  You must let others know. Please pass on this interview, share this page with all your loved ones.


Gwen Olsen – the Rx Reformer

Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years as a sales rep in the pharmaceutical industry working for health care giants…
