Pau d arco aka Taheebo Tea Cure All

I’m continuing my raw food diet.  I make sure I get as much raw vegetables and fruits everyday.  And the PH Miracle book was correct.  My body loves it.

Then I thought about that wondrous herb from South America… Pau d arco, but more commonly called Taheebo Tea here in the Philippines, specifically, My Marvel Taheebo Tea.  Sold in all Mercury Drug stores and in other stores as well.  Pretty cheep for P 240 with 30 tea bags.  Take 1 taheebo tea first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 taheebo tea 30 minutes before dinner for maximum absorption.

After taking this my marvel taheebo tea for some 5 days I noticed the little annoying blemishes on my body seem to be in full retreat.  The little marks are clearing up.  I will continue taking taheebo tea everyday.  Taheebo tea + raw vegetables + sprouts + dr Tam’s live green: wheatgrass, alfalfa, barley and no meat.  Trying for 80% alkalizing food everyday.

I’m getting prettier.  I feel healing deep inside.  I feel I can be like Mike Adams of fame.  I’m starting a workout program next week.