Disease – Healing Crisis – Poisoning – Psoriasis – Toxic a 3rd occurence

Bugoy in the emergency room.

Another emergency why Bugoy checked in aside from his breathing problem was toxin release through his genital area: scrotum, inner thighs, base of penis. Really bad. Started small last saturday then suddenly swelled to epidemic proportions. From the point of view of an STD doctor they will say this is herpes. From my holistic point of view, this is toxin release.

What is worse is now his face again is with outbreaks. What is worse is now his right eye has outbreaks. Conjunctivitis + outbreaks. And his left eye has the beginnings.

I took him to the anthroposophic doctor tuesday morning. Same tuesday lunch time we were at the chiropractor doctor brush. Yes, doctor brush fixed spinal problems that had breathing directly identified. Yes, spinal problems that lead to leaky gut. Doctor Brush knows Dr. Connelly. I will blog about that book when it arrives in my mail.

You look at his whole body, it is a freak show for the uninitiated. My driver took care of him while I was away this afternoon and he felt really sorry for my brother as if only God could cure him. I’m not religious. I’m only into action. I can cure Bugoy.

Finally Bugoy had the sense to agree to getting the apartment beside my office which is very well ventilated. I can now cure Bugoy because he almost lives with me. 500 meters away from my house and the direct next door neighbor of my office is good enough.

The great anthroposophic doctor Divina Hey-Gonzales saw Bugoy last Tuesday. I called her Monday that it was an emergency and fitted us in at 8am. She immediately pumped a cocktail of her medicine intravenously. I’ve seen this happen last year. Then she recommended a bunch of powders needed to be taken under the tongue. These are homeopathic remedies. I just don’t know how much life there is to stimulate though. I’m thinking depleted reserves. She gave some eyedrops the following day.

Things will be different this time.

Bugoy was requesting again, for the 3rd time, antibiotics. He’s sick so he’s delusional. This is his 3rd attack.

The first attack occurred early in 2006. He took antibiotics first. During the week he was taking the antibiotics, symptoms subsided. After stopping for a few days, symptoms raged back and it was the 5 set colonic hydrotherapy that saved him.

His 2nd attach occurred at the onset of the new year 2007. Again, he chose antibiotics because he wanted to report for work. Same results with his 1st attack. While on antibiotics, symptoms subside, after stopping, symptoms raged back. It took 1 colonic hydrotherapy session and 2 liver flushes to almost cure him.

Then he got lazy. I documented this laziness. He felt so well, better than he has ever felt in his life and got careless. He did not continue his cleansings. He ate the same crappy food. He eventually forgot drinking wheat grass juice. He wouldn’t even answer my texts and calls for continued treatment. Hubris. Wrong priorities. He applied and got himself a new job, passed their medical examinations. He studied for several months to pass a 3rd professional exam. Working himself to death. Hardly sleeping. Eating convenient street foods. Whirlwind schedule. No time to even sit and chat with me.

My grandmother was badgering me to finally cure him. What could I do? I documented in my other website how Bugoy was avoiding me. How I even drive up to his house and he leaves the house? I knew he would plateau. And then he now comes crashing down to a new low today.

This is the price to be paid for not letting the body heal itself. Suppress nothing. The body wants outbreaks to rid itself of toxins. Let the body rid itself of toxins. No antibiotics this time. I stood firm. Bugoy even had the gall to request antibiotics from Dr. Divina. Which led to Dr. Divina calling me up while I was in a meeting. I just leave Bugoy for a few hours and he requests antibiotics thinking Dr. Divina will grant his request. I told Dr. Divina we’ve tried those stupid antibiotics twice already. There will be no third time. The side-effects, the damage of those idiotic antibiotics to his liver and his gut may become so severe it might kill him this time. There is no benefit for Bugoy to take antibiotics for his current illness. I told Divina this. I talked to Bugoy. And that was that. Bugoy finally agreed.

The good news was a sudden call that Bugoy wanted to transfer apartments as in right now. Bugoy suddenly realized as I have told him dozens of times that his old apartment was stuffy, no air circulation, cannot breath, dusty, etc. And now his old apartment smelled of his illness.

Nasty smell of disease. Bugoy smells bad. Really bad. And his old apartment is locked in that smell because the air does not circulate. I feel it is accumulating germs galore.

So I was driving and arranging with my landlord to avail of my next door apartment for Bugoy. My landlord was out away and could not give the key until late at night. So we camped in my office for the night. Bugoy transfers to the new apartment tomorrow.

Some root causes.

He took Dr. Tam Miracle tea to cleanse his colon for 2 days now. He was constipated for almost 3 days before he was able to dump with the help of the miracle tea. Bugoy’s constipation is a root cause of this current crisis. His breathing problem I think was triggered by his taking some mushroom soup over lunch. He did not know that all mushrooms are poisonous. He just got the more poisonous one at that time. Another root cause is tired 4 to 5 hour sleeps everyday. And bad food. And dehydration. Bugoy confesses to only drinking some 1.5 liters of water everyday. Very bad indeed.

Kidneys were also shot. He had UTI, pain while urinating for the past few days. I gave him my simple 7 leaves of avocado made into tea with 2 liters of water. Cleansed his kidneys and the pain went away. All it took was 2 days.

As I write these last lines I am watching over Bugoy at almost 1am. Taking care that he drinks water every chance he gets. He’s not hungry. His digestion has shut down. Body wisdom at work saying “I don’t need food right now. I need to expend energy in healing.”
Bugoy’s heart rate is high. Some 105 to 110 beats per minute. Infection, dehydration, poisoning. All combined. Now I’m preparing him tomorrow for a 2 day apple juice fast with liver flush. But I will give him juiced carrots and live green (wheat, barley, alfalfa grasses) for nutrition. That should clear his liver.

Right now I’m running him on the pyroenergen machine to electrically alkalize his body. Enveloping him in static electricity while he sleeps. It will help fight off viruses while we work on cleaning and nourishing him.

I told Bugoy he goes on 90 to 100% raw foods diet immediately. I don’t want a refrigerator in his new apartment. No TV. And I just found out he sleeps with his cell phone behind his nape. This boy needs to be lived with. I’ll have to live with him and teach him how to live. How to survive in the 21st century urban jungle.

Who knows? In a few months maybe Bugoy becomes strong enough to play airsoft with me? Tomorrow is another day. I’ve got more aces up my sleeve. Watch me cure bugoy. Bugoy needs some financial support now people. Donate to Bugoy, click here.