Fruitarians do not need to drink plain old water

Someone very concerned about my health told me right off to drink water. He found out I had not been drinking water.

I answered it this way:

“As for not drinking water, it is a common experience among raw fruitarians. I’m not thirsty for water. I don’t want to drink water. When you do eat COOKED FOOD, you will be dehydrated because of the COOKED FOOD and you will NEED to drink water. I did that today to be nice at the Prolife Christmas party I ate cooked food and I drank water at home. Yuck. Awful. This sounds strange to you because you have NO EXPERIENCE with 100% raw food yet. I thought Barefoot Herbalist was nuts too when I read that he hardly drinks any water. Well now I know why because I’ve experienced it myself. I can run and run and run in the olympic oval or on the beach under the sun and my dalanghita or buko hydrates me best. ”

Natural Hygenists have written at length that human beings are not drinking animals. We get our water from our food.

Aajonus Vonderplanitz wrote eloquently that with drinking plain water the human body only utilizes 10% of that because of poor water structure. The superior structure of water in raw fruits is extremely hydrating, some 90% is utilized by the human body.

You have got to experience this for yourself. It only sounds crazy because you have never experienced it yourself. Be a fruitarian today and know what I’m talking about. The cleanest, safest, purest, best water comes from the food we eat. Stop eating cooked food raw is best.