I take my daughter to the traditional hilot in our village

We passed by our neighbor yesterday morning for our morning sun stroll and I told the my grandfather friend about my daughter’s neck problem. He said his grandson goes to Aling Betty nearby for regular hilot needs. Hilot is a traditional Filipino bone setter, ache remover, massage, reflexology expert.

We passed by Aling Betty at around 4pm yesterday and my daughter was livid. Screaming and crying fearing that here is another hilot like the chiropractor who might do her harm. Her nannie had to hold her the whole time while she was crying and struggling to get away from Aling Betty.

Aling Betty was patient with my daughter and she did her thing. Some 15 minutes. She said there was a vein that was stuck on her left shoulder. Then she thought this wasn’t enough and she did her Tawas thing. Tawas is a method to see and drive away bad spirits from a child usually with the use of a candle. With aling Betty, she used a candle to make burn marks on a small plate. The burn marks showed aling Betty that there were people of the soil, probably dwarves in and around our house.

Aling Betty said it was best to do a follow up check up on my daughter the following day. We will be waiting for Aling Betty this afternoon around 4pm.

My daughter seemed better yesterday evening and this morning. Not 100% but much better.

Update: Aling Betty dropped by around 5pm and massaged my daughter. I also asked for a massage. Then my wife. I can see and feel she does have a talent for these things.
