I begin Barefoot Herbalist’s Kidney and Pancreas Cleanse Herbs

Since I have Barefoot’s herbs, I better start using them.  The dosage for the kidney cleanse herbs is 1 full teaspoon every bedtime 6 days a week for 6 weeks.

So let’s mark today Saturday night as my start.  This means Friday evenings I won’t be taking this.

I just took my first dose.  Wow, powerful alcohol stuff used there.  I’m wondering 1 teaspoon can get me drunk.  Nah… I don’t think so.

Barefoot says the kidneys are the hardest working organs in the body, they fail before all symptoms are ever felt.  The 2 million plus cells of each kidney need to be kept free flowing for best results.

Maybe I should nourish my kidneys as well by eating yummy goat kidneys too.  Why am I taking these herbs when I’ve done avocado leaves tea lots of times and coconut juice?  Why not?  I’m pretty sure these herbs address some other angle of kidney health the others do not.

Looking at my calendar, I should finish these herbs by August 2.

Great.  I’m on Homo Optimus Diet plus kidney cleansing herbs, what a great combination.