My cancer patient is sick again because of poverty and bible study

My cancer patient whom I coached April 2007 and seemed strong and cured by November 2007 is sick again.  He peed blood again a few weeks ago and the bleeding stopped eventually after 10 days.  He didn’t call me.  Must not want to hear me say I told you so.

I found out through other channels so I called him up.  I asked, what happened?  What happened to the healthy diet and healthy life style.  I found out through him and through his wife who visited us what really happened and what the problem was.

#1 is poverty.  He admitted to me he was too poor to maintain a fruit and raw vegan lifestyle.  So he reverted to eating a rice based diet again.  Tsk tsk.  I told him if he had asked me, I could teach him to eat animal foods, even cooked animal foods as long as it was high fat.  He can still achieve a high fat, low carb diet with animal foods.  A starch based diet is a cancer disaster.

#2 are his pets, his new hamster and worm business.  He never gave up his pets and the pests that come with them.  Now he added a hamster and earthworm business.  As Hulda Clark keeps saying, if you are cancer sick, give away your pets.  It’s the pet or you.  Now it is his livelihood from the hamsters.  Hey, a guy has to make some money.

#3 his bible studying.  So his wife tells us that her husband used to get a lot harsh criticisms from his fellow church members that he was not so Bible read.  So he found his enthusiasm to read and study his bible, everyday, until 4am.  He would sleep for only 2 hours and wake up at 6am.  His wife said that was the only quite time her husband had.

Oh I believe her, and his non-sleeping habits are killing him.  I’m sure his God will understand if he swaps a few bible studying hours for sleeping hours.

Quite easily analyzed.  Quite easily fixed.  If the patient is willing.