My wife begins her dental cleanse preparation by visiting the biological dentist and the anthroposophic doctor

At long last, after many months of nagging and finally the big toothache convinced my wife to finally see the biological dentist Doctor Gaba in Paranaque City.  She says she was impressed by how modern his equipment were.  That doctor Gaba had a tiny camera tool on a dental instrument hooked up to a monitor so that the patient could see for himself the true visual condition of their teeth.  So my wife has mercury, amalgams, old black / silver fillings in all 4 quarters of her mouth.  There’s one tooth, the one aching that cannot be saved and will become an extraction.  But the rest can still be replaced with “safer” materials.

But before the actual procedures of removing the mercury from each quarter, my wife’s immune system has to be worked up.  My wife chose to forego the conventional anti-biotics in favor the more natural anthroposophic and homeopathic remedies of Dr. Divina Hey-Gonzales.

This evening she showed me her batch of homeopathic and anthroposophic supplements.  Many of them made by Welleda. I’ll have to come up with the list in another post.  I took a picture just so you know what I’m talking about.

Well I’m glad she got started with her dental cleanse.  I believe this is the last cleanse that needs to be taken cared of as I feel this mercury burden has been the big one, the one bothering her for many years of fatigue, depression, respiratory ailments, and many complications.  I boldly predict a few months after the mercury removal my wife will bounce out of her bed, outside her old cloudy dream and be a brand new woman.  Let’s hope it comes out true.