Tongue Cancer: Hilot tries Yerba Buena for the swollen lymph

Aling Letty the hilot in Barangay Prayer Mountain decided on using Yerba Buena for Mr. M’s swollen lymph.  She says to let her herbs stay from 10am to 5pm.  That seems to long for my taste.  Because I want time for sitz bathing and castor oil packs.

Aling Letty shared with me her success with a previous patient of hers which had an even bigger swollen lymph on the neck and it took her 1 month to reduce it to nothing.

Still too long for my taste, I want things to run faster.  So we will supplement this lymph treatment with castor oil packs, liver flushing, and sitz bathing.

Maybe the yerba buena can help relieve Mr. M’s headache.