Sick 5 year old girl finally poops is cured. Goes to school today.

The 5 year old girl visiting us finally pooped 2 days ago after 5 days of being sick and non-pooping.  I hope this serves as education for parents to seriously monitor the pooping schedule of their children.  This girl was sick merely due to constipation.  And this constipation is caused by an extremely low fat diet and processed food.

Yesterday this little girl missed on poop again.  Today she will have to be monitored if she will poop today.

This breakfast I watched helplessly as this little girl’s nannie gave this 5 year old girl her breakfast: white rice, hasa hasa fish left over from last night, Milo chocolate milk drink, and commercial hotdogs.

I joked this morning that since the little girl is cured, you can now push hotdogs and Milo on her.  And pushing it indeed was what the nannie was doing.  She sternly watched as the child forced herself to finish 1 full cup of Milo.

For those who just joined us, my critique is Milo is a processed product which has changed many hands and undergone much processing.  Chocolate is from the fruit cacao, dried, crushed, stored, mixed in, packaged, reconstituted.  The milk is from some commercial farm raised cow, pasteurized, powdered, stored, mixed in, packaged, reconstituted.  And whatever the company wants to mix in to the package.

Hotdogs are the non-saleable parts of cows, pigs, chickens and probably some surprise animals on non-animals in it.  Who really knows what is in a hotdog?  Plus chemicals as preservatives, flavorings, and food colorings.  Then you fry it, frying being the worst cooking method… and fried in what commercial vegetable oil with the worst fat profile?

This little girl is tons pretty… must be the genes… but genes only go so far… If this little girl were given a sane diet such as a Weston Price type diet, she would be healthy instead of sickly.  And she should be pooping once per day.