My 7 year old has tummy ache, reported a worm in poop this morning

Last week it was my 7 year old boy’s turn to have tummy ache problems.  He missed 2 days of school,  Thursday and Friday.  At first sign of tummy ache, I gave 1 teaspoon of Barefoot Herbalist dewormer in 1/4 cup of water every morning before breakfast.

His tummy ache symptoms would subside.  But I made the mistake Friday evening when I arrived just after he had a dinner of chicken arozcaldo (chicken and rice porridge), I got to taste a most wonderful avocado, the first good avocado of the season.  I got him interested and he got half an avocado and combined it with honey.  Immediately afterwards his tummy ache worsened again… bad food combination this time.

During the times he had tummy aches I would implement mono eating on my boy and that made him feel better.

One early morning at 3am when he felt hungry, his mom made the mistake of feeding him fish and rice.  Which he vomitted a few hours later.  3am is no time to feed anyone hard to digest things.  It is not the correct time for eating.

Since Friday every early morning my boy would wake me up at 4am to poop.  He comments that the dewormer was strong and it makes him poop.  This Monday morning at 4am he woke me up again to poop.  Before I washed him he said he saw 1 black worm about less than 1 inch long writhing fast in the toilet bowl.  I looked for it but he said the worm sank.

So after washing my boy I thought it was time for some deworming again.  This boy had taken humaworm for 30 days 2 years ago.  Last year he took barefoot herbalist dewormer for 30 days.  And we have barefoot dewormer as stand by for suspicious parasite related symptoms like these lately.  So around 6am I ordered another batch of dewormers from 1 batch for myself and 1 batch for my boy.  It arrives in 7 days.

I would like to add that in my surfing for opinions on dewormers I found an insightful comment from Dr. Kenneth Sutter as he does not make dewormers, he merely uses them:

Humaworm is great stuff but 30 days is NOT enough. Do Barefoot’s DeWormer for the 90 days between of Humaworms protocol. Flush every two weeks. Stay on Humaworm every 90 days though it’s a little better at getting the parasites outside the digestive tract. In other words do them both.

That quote and idea applies to me. I think I’ll do that. I’m thinking about it. In the meantime I’m formulating my order for a new batch of dewormers plus other items from Barefoot.