Wife has been in a Flu funk for a week

My wife has been with a flu combined with bronchitis for a week now.  She’s doing her own thing.  But it doesn’t seem to be working.  She’s on vitamin C supplements, cough elixir, foot soaks, ginger tea, avocado tea, tawa tawa tea, cayenne tincture and some cooked meat / soup.

What do I think?  I’ve given my advice, but you know how it is with loved ones.  My advice is keep it simple. Full raw paleo diet until well.  Do some oil pulling.  That’s it.  The simpler the better.

My theory is that flu and fevers of this sort are mere detox reactions.  Cooked foodists overloaded with cooked food need rest and recuperation and raising of body heat to digest bad cooked matter.  Stop the cooked food madness temporarily and let the body rest from cooked food.

Now she’s thinking of probably other than physical causes?  Ah, whatever makes her feel good.