6 Year Old Daughter’s Bad Cold Addressed by 3 days of Raw Paleo Diet

Our 6 year old girl missed the first 2 days of classes this 2011. Too sick down with stuffy cold. Her mom told her to stay at home and go to daddy for 3 days of raw paleo diet. Our daughter resisted at first but then relented that that was the fastest way.

The first day she had 5 second seared beef, raw duck egg for her meat and lots of fruit. What we have are papayas, guavas, melons, water melons. The 2nd and 3rd day she had more fruits seared horse and more horse kinilaw which is horse in organic vinegar plus pepper plus garlic.

On the 3rd day our girl was fit enough to go to school and just bring with her some fruit and horse kinilaw.

On the 4th day this saturday our girl woke up with no more cold but her 2 older brothers had colds. Hmmpphhh.

It’s those holiday celebrations where people pig out and taste crap just like everyone is doing and they all suffer for it. Next up is our 9 year old boy with an aggravated cold, he’s absent today.