Raw Tomatoes Plus Salt Plus Pepper vs Tapeworms Makes Me Feel Bad

I was experimenting with every morning 2 Raw Tomatoes Plus Salt Plus Pepper vs Tapeworms for a good number of days now, been more than a week and I felt really bad. As if I was coming down with a cold, a flu, a soar throat. I stopped taking this combination today. And this morning Saturday I slept on and on the whole morning after breakfast until lunch time. It was a healing sleep.

I always knew nightshades were bad for me. This experiment highlights just how bad it really is. Maybe this helped kill my tapeworm, but any longer and it will kill me as well.

For those who haven’t been following my blog, I eat a raw paleo diet. Been so for 3 years. So I’m pretty much guarded and take into account anything I shove in my mouth and how it affects my health.

As for the tapeworms, it seems the combination of humaworm herbal dewormer, coconut milk, coconut meat, tomatoes, the coconut oil detox with sea salt flush and the ajowan seeds and the castor oil have all done their part. For 2 weeks now I have stopped seeing tapeworms in my poop. They got to a point they crawled out of my anus during any odd time.

Last few days of humaworm, and I will continue to do the coconut milk and coconut meat loading.

I know the drugs for tapeworms are cheap, but food and herbs are safer for me.