Adolescent Immunization Vaccination Con Game Contest: Win Ipods and Laptops

School in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools resorts to conning children into being “immunized” / vaccinated by offering them a chance to win I-Pods and Laptops. Lame. People and children are waking up to question the harm of vaccinations so they have to resort to con games to lure children to be vaccinated.

There are 3 vaccines that are especially recommended for adolescents.
• Meningococcal Vaccine is recommended at 11-12 years of age and again at 16-18 (the second dose is a new recommendation). If not received at age 11-12, 13-18 year olds should receive a dose at the first opportunity.
• Tdap (tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis) Vaccine is required for all students who will be entering the 6th grade unless they have had a Td (tetanus/diphtheria) vaccine in the last 5 years. Tdap is recommended for all other adolescents.
• HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Vaccine (3 doses) is recommended for any student 9 years of age or older who has never been vaccinated.

NOW…about the contest…

To be eligible for the contest, a student will need to receive at least one vaccine, meningococcal vaccine, between 4-1-11 and 5-31-11. The student will need to take proof of the meningococcal vaccine received to the school nurse by 10:00 AM on 6-1-11. The school nurse will then enter the student in the contest. The student will have 2 entries for having received the meningococcal vaccine.

Additionally, if the student receives a Tdap and/or a HPV vaccine between 4-1-11 and 5-31-11, he/she would receive one entry for each when the record is provided to the school nurse. A student receiving all 3 vaccines would be entered 4 times.

Again, to enter, the student will need to provide the school nurse with a record of vaccines received between 4-1-11 and 5-31-11and one of those vaccines must be meningococcal vaccine. Records of vaccines received are due to the school nurse by 10:00 AM on June 1, 2011. Later that day a school system administrator will select 3 winners:
• A fifth grade winner of an ipod
• A middle school winner of an ipod
• A high school winner of a laptop
Parent(s) of each winning student will be notified.

All this is true. It’s in the blog post of the school superintendent. Click here.

My healer opinion is I do not vaccinate my children. Period.