The Purity of Food – The Purity of Blood – To Cure Illness

The childrens’ illness turned into another show down between my methods and my wife’s methods.  Good that she and our girl went to the condo and me and the boys stayed home.  I saw the boys getting worse and decided to change their healing methods.  I stopped all medications.  I don’t care if they are called anthroposophic or homeopathic medicines.  Whatever they were, for this case, they weren’t working.

I did a cessation of all medicines, all cooking.  I laid out raw paleo diet and lifestyle… again.  Bathe simply with water.  Eat simply with food in its natural state.  Granted I gave them beef turned into barbecue with natural condiments like raw wild honey, garlic, sea salt and pepper… with zero cooking… no heating… no searing. Raw whole eggs.  Raw protein, raw fat.

It was high time the boys tasted a little purity in life.  Pure human living… for a change.  Natural food.  I had called the massage outfit and each boy had a 30 minute massage with pure virgin coconut oil.  The fat in virgin coconut oil they will absorb through their skin.  Saw to it they boy did their bowel movements.

I berated the boys as to who to imitate, who to follow in this disease crises.  Were they to follow the model who is taking medication and got sick and is still recovering?  Or do they follow the model who did not get sick and stays strong and takes care of them?

It should be a no brainer, right?  This morning the boys were feeling better.  Much better.  I demanded raw meat from them in exchange for them watching a cartoon film.  I will probably keep up the raw meat and pure diet until the weekend when my wife and daughter arrives.

Why can’t they be full time raw paleo dieters?  We will get there.  Patience.