Toddler With Fever and Cough and Mucus

An almost 3 year old girl toddler with fever and cough and mucus needs healing. Her mother needs educating though. Seems, they are in the “medical” aka $$$ money $$$ backed failed medical paradigm. This is what they are doing wrong:

– Ready and giving “medicine” in the form of paracetamol… for kids
– forced feeding to keep her “strength” up
– feeding commercial fast food like french fries and MSG laden soup

All of the above are wrong for a toddler with fever and cough and mucus. Here is what parents should know:

– Mucus is a detox reaction to a body being filled with too much dirty, chemicalized, human incompatible cooked food. The worst problem mucus forming causes are from wheat and pasteurized dairy.

– Cough is a detox reaction when mucus gets jammed in the lungs as the lungs are used as detox organs. Cough is a reflex reaction to expel mucus. Drowning in your own mucus is called pneumonia.

– Fever is the body trying to eradicate the dirt and chemicals in the body. Do not interfere with this cleansing process by drinking paracetamol to stop fevers. That is downright wrong and stupid. You follow the body and encourage the body to do its healing process.

My current solution to toddler with fever and cough and mucus cure is.

1. Quantumin Mineral Drops massage on forehead and nose bridge. This will allow the sinuses to clear and expel stuck mucus.

2. Hydrogen peroxide in a 50/50 solution with plain water, 1/2 tsp in one ear, let the bubbles cleanse the ear tube, when finished, do the other ear.

3. If the toddler is not hungry, do not feed. Just make sure toddler is fully hydrated with coconuts, water melon, or calamansi juice. Anything maasim is helpful to lessen mucus.

4. Have your own nebulizer. Do not use drugs. Use only salinase, which is just water and salt. The salt will help remove mucus in the lungs. If you can drive to the beach and sleep for a couple of days there, you can do that too.

5. If the child is weak and cannot bring up a fever, then use a steamer and give him a steam bath to induce a fever. Remember that fever is a cleansing process.

If your pediatrician, doctor, healer gives you drugs, drugs and more drugs, dump him. Get a real healer who will teach you drug free methods for your child.

Nutrition needed during toddler with fever and cough and mucus is original human diet, raw paleo diet. Raw fat, raw meats, raw fruits, fresh raw mother’s breast milk. No to irritating raw vegetables.

Toddler With Fever and Cough and Mucus is a sign of mistakes in parental feeding and care. This means you the parent need to LEARN and change your wrong headed ways. This condition merely highlights mistakes in living and eating.

Take breathing problems seriously as drowning in mucus aka pneumonia can lead to immediate death. No, the bacteria do not kill people with pneumonia, the bacteria are your own human bacteria attempting to clear your mucus before it drowns you. Never believe the pneumonia bacteria fairy tale to sell you more anti-biotics. Ridiculous.