Child Eczema in Soles of Feet Shows Which Organs are Stressed, Rice is the Culprit

My 2 younger children are having some eczema around their legs. What was most noted were the soles of their feet. Each eczema spot in the soles of their feet correspond to a stressed organ. Look at the meridian points chart of the soles of the feet. In both cases, their stomach and digestive system are stressed. In my 8 year old boy, his kidneys and adrenals.

Solution. Give anthroposophic medicines to support those organs. And so as not to stress the organs, stop that idiotic Filipino rice + cooked meat combination at every meal. My children just can’t hack / digest that combination as much as they socially are brainwashed to fit in.

So my wife first tries to convince them that they only eat rice once per day.

In 2 weeks we have results… getting better. Eczema in soles of feet fading. So our theory is true. Our children are not built to consume rice. As much as the rest of the Filipino people are rice crazy, me and my children are just not rice compatible.

For our next act, my wife and I will attempt to totally eliminate rice from our children’s diet. Hello Paleo Diet. At last.

Well, my eldest boy who is very sick is forced to be on raw paleo diet. So this is it huh? Just wait for the children to be sick, show all the family that this is just the way it works, and help stop the peer pressure to eat rice… it’s just no good for us.