Christmas Ham May Kill Your Dog, So Why Are We Humans Eating Ham?

Christmas eve and the entire extended family was having the big dinner.  This dinner included a very high priced premium brand of ham which came from a very prominent politician.  Some nephews joined in and they had a small toy dog with them called “Smalley”.  My brother in law told everyone in the dinner table to NOT feed Smalley any ham, as ham may kill dogs.  What the?  Our knee jerk reaction was… so why are we serving ham to humans?  If ham kills dogs, then it could kill us humans too, or make us sick.

I trawled the internet forums for testimonials as to this urban legend of ham may kill dogs.  Sure enough, the most common ham effects are:

– diarrhea
– pancreatitis
– death

So it seems that some dogs may be able to use diarrhea to expel harmful ham.  The ones who cannot expel immediately get pancreatitis, and some dogs do die from eating ham.

There was even a report about all pork being harmful to dogs.  And what about humans again?

Of course there are dogs and people who are unaffected by pork, unaffected by ham.

The premium ham we have is made from a true leg of a pig.  It seems to me that many “hams” in the supermarkets are fake… meaning they are reconstituted from other pig parts, like hot dogs and longganisa, then shaped into ham.  Maybe those are the harmful ones.

Here is an informative video about how ham is made

This scary ham harms dogs truth is just scary news for me. There will be no more ham for my family next Christmas.