The Nutrition Idea that Saved His Life from Obesity: Paleo Diet / Primal Diet

Conspiracy theory forum poster gives his take on what saved his life from obesity.  That everything the government promotes is wrong, that the very food pyramid is wrong.  Ah well, for me the rabbit hole goes way deeper than that.  But it is refreshing to hear / read from someone who just got it.

This refreshing write up is important for others who still do not “get it”, who are trying to “get it”, who are prevented from “getting it” due to peer pressure.  I used to think my trajectory in shape was written in my genes that my grandpa and my dad’s shapes was the shape I would be in as I grew older.  But I broke with tradition and not because I was just rebellious, but because I got sick and I had to follow health truths wherever that may lead.

On to TruthSeeker1984’s testimony:

I was introduced to the Primal Blueprint in March of this year through a friend of mine. He had started doing this extreme lifestyle change last year and bulked up in lean muscle and lost a ton of body fat. He explained it as this: “Eat whatever high fat meats you want, with copious amounts of veg and fruits. Cut out ALL wheat-based products/grains (including corn and certain types of beans), and eventually your body will start seeing some massive changes. To put it simply: if you couldn’t kill it/gather it/grow it yourself, don’t eat it.” He introduced me to the blog: Mark’s Daily Apple.

The grain industry is one of the biggest thriving industries in the United States at this point in time. With over $20 Billion in Federal subsidies for corn production in this country (as of 2004), it’s no surprise that you see high-fructose corn syrup in just about everything. It’s cheap because of the government subsidies, and farmers are making tons of money off of this cash crop. I won’t even mention the ethanol industry, as that is part of a different discussion.

And before I go on, I am in no way saying that exercise isn’t important in weight loss, but you don’t need as much as “they” say you need, unless you are following “their” nutrition recommendations.

What I am trying to get across to all of you is that this lifestyle has truly worked for me when everything else failed. I realized how wrong these government paid nutritionists were, and I stand by that statement. They are plain wrong. I am currently sitting at 223 lbs. and continue to lose more every week. Perhaps it’s time that more people started seeing the benefits of the Primal lifestyle and go back to what our bodies were meant to eat. This lifestyle truly did save my life and has made my outlook much brighter than it did before. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions on specifics, or if I wasn’t clear somewhere, by all means, let me know.


I would not call Mark’s Daily Apple / Primal Blue Print extreme. In fact, it is such a beginners introduction into the world of Paleo Diet. But hey, getting your friends and loved ones healthy is important and however you can “WAKE THEM UP” is fair in love.
