A Novel Tool to Help Cure Cancers with Sinus Buster with Capsaicin

Mr. Kelly Eidem has been spreading the word about curing cancers with a novel combination of the best fats, garlic and hot habaneros.  In his latest tool to disseminate cures and stop pain, he has found a fast and novel way to introduce hot habaneros active ingredient capsaicin into the blood stream via the sinuses.  This time he recommends the use of an over the counter nasal spray called the “Sinus Buster”.  The principle is you spray the hot chili capsaicin ingredient into your sinus… this has access direct to the blood stream and gives instant relief for blocked sinuses.  Direct to the blood stream means it makes blood vessels open up and where blood flows, healing occurs.

So now I know 2 ways to get capsaicin in the blood, one is under the tongue, sublingual with the use of cayenne tincture, and also via nasal spray using the Sinus Buster.  That is novel.

What is even more novel to think of is that there are possible brain tumors that may be reached that way via the nasal cavity.

And which leads me to think now about using Dr. Schulze’s eyebright formula which has cayenne. Cayenne / capsaicin through the eyes will be able to reach the brain as well!  Awesome stuff this novel method churns out ideas from us fellow healers.

Here was Kelley Eidem’s thread on GodlikeProductions.com

This has helped three people with cancer…

I have a newsletter and a hubpage where I help people who are dealing with cancer.

One of the things I’ve suggested is a product called Sinus Buster because it has capsaicin in it and the nasal spray puts the capsaicin right into the bloodstream. It appears to knock down the pain. Just so you know, I don’t sell Sinus Buster or own stock in the company or anything like that. I’m just curious if maybe we’ve stumbled across a really easy way to knock down even serious cancer pain?

So if you or someone in your family has cancer pain, could you try it for a few days and leave a comment here? You’ll probably have to search the word cancer to find this thread.

I’d like to get this done by Thursday, June 14th. That’ll give you a couple days to pick up the product locally at a health food store or have it delivered to you and use it for a few days.

Heck, if it works the first time in a few minutes – which is what it has done before – don’t wait – let us know…

For those who do not know the concept yet, it was Dr. Schulze who rants about cayenne being the top herb, the lead wolf who opens doors for other herbs and nutrition to do their job by opening up blood vessels. We are just applying concepts and sharing novel ways.

Great stuff. Must share this with fellow healers.

Sinus Buster
Sinus Buster from Wikipedia

Kelley Eidem’s hub pages can be found here http://kelleyeidem.hubpages.com/