Magnesium Oil Supplementing Making Me Too Sleepy

Magnesium oil on my skin some 2 times a day under my arms and on my feet at my right lower back and on my left shoulder has resulted in eliminating body odor… hooray! But it has also resulted in making me immensely super sleepy. So sleepy that I’m extending my sleep past 7am into 8am and even feel lazy by 9am. In short I’m losing a lot of work that I would rather do. Maybe I really need the healing sleep or maybe it is a bad side effect.

The odd thing that happened was with my right butt lower muscle sprain. I feel it is that reported muscle weakness side effect if you have too much magnesium. Maybe. I’m not sure. I put some chinese plasters there to help me heal. I’ve also decided to stop supplementing with magnesium oil on my skin for now. I hope it will stop my extreme sleepiness.

I realized the gravity of the imbalance given to me by this magnesium oil when I suddenly had the craving for chocolate. I did find a Tobleron and ate half of it in one sitting. The next half the following day. That made me realize that yes, I must be having an imbalance.

This morning I awoke past 7am still wanting to sleep. And it is a Monday when I should be jumping out of bed for work.

So for 2 days already I’ve stopped putting magnesium oil on my skin.