Category: Pain Relief

Hemorrhoids Treatment Teenager Bleeding Inflamed High Fever

I got a request to assist in the healing of hemorrhoids of a teenage boy. Bloody red bleeding 2 weeks ago. Boy had been on Daflon drug treatment. Lately the boy has a high fever. Single parent is a mother who is a nurse so they are in that...

Antispasmodic Medications Should Never Be First Aid for Intestinal Spasms

I have come across bad practice with the use of antispasmodic medications. Antispasmodic abuse. Being resorted to as first aid for relieving stomach pain. This can lead to potentially more injurious and deathly results. I will explain. Intestinal spasms are there… for a purpose. Our bodies are very intelligent....

Pain Relief For Rheumatoid Arthritis with CMD

CMD is probably the father of mineral drops.  The original one that started it all.  Its children are EMC and Quantumin.  I remember when EMC came out, they were saying they improved on the concept of CMD by energizing the product.  So EMC works faster.  Pain Relief for rheumatoid...

Back Pain Relief Without Surgery

Raise your hand if you are afraid of surgery.  I’m in the same boat with you.  I’m not a piece of meat to be butchered by some inept establishment and charged an arm and a leg, even if my health insurance covers it.  I’d want all my body parts...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief with Quantumin Mineral Drops

Lately I’ve been in touch with senior people needing pain relief.  The problem with common rheumatoid arthritis pain relief over the counter drugs is that they have all of these side effects that are detrimental to your health, and at the same time all they do is cover up...