Category: Parenting

Vitamin K2 Rich Foods Experiment Begins

Saturday was market day. I read and listened to this Vitamin K2 theory of Kate Rhéaume-Bleue, ND in at

Children’s Health: Worm Infestation in 9.68 Million Students says NIH

An alarming estimate made by the NIH or National Institutes of Health recently reported in the Philippine Daily Inquirer February 27, 2013 with the banner title: “Worms scourge of public school pupils, agency finds”. I took a picture of this newspaper article. In the article it says a 44...

Diets of Athletes in the Ancient Olympics and our Grade 5 Menu

Below is the product of my research regarding the ancient Greek Olympics spanning probably a thousand or more years from the beginning 776 BCE to the 7th century AD. What I will strive for is to be able to construct a menu that was suitable for ancient Olympians… not...

Pre-Christmas Food Shopping at the Malabon Wet Market

Yesterday morning I decided it was a good idea to go shopping at a different location.  Try the Malabon City wet market for a refreshing change.  My objective was 2 fold: 1. To get horse meat, as this was the only reliable place where they sold horse meat every...