Category: Recommended Products

How to Make Cheap Healthy Toothpaste and Healthy Deodorant with Sifu Jen Sam

In my website – Part of my detox protocols is pollution avoidance. Most commercial toothpastes and commercial deodorants contribute to body pollution with their dangerous chemicals. In this video, Sifu Jen Sam demonstrates how to make his Healthy Toothpaste and Deodorant with 4 simple ingredients:...

Magnesium Deficiency, Magnesium Oil, Transdermal and Beach Cravings

I am beginning a magnesium oil supplementation via transdermal means… via skin absorption. It seems me and my family have a magnesium deficiency. In my readings some pundits say majority of the urban population is magnesium deficient. And it is not just because of the food. In fact, magnesium...