Looked at strangely while eating raw meat at a beef broth restaurant

Me and 2 friends were in a beef broth restaurant / bulaluhan this afternoon.  I had been experiencing stomach discomfort with cooked food so no way would I want to sabotage my health by agreeing to eat out.  So I went to the kitchen and asked the staff to find me bone marrow in their freezer and cut me up some meat.  We finally got enough bone marrow and I left it up to them to cut up some meat.  I explained to her that I can’t eat cooked meat as I get upset stomach by doing so.

My soup arrived.  And a plate of my raw beef marrow and some muscle arrived.  Now to taste the raw material if they had good beef.  By now I could taste and identify if raw beef was good or not.  I was not let down.  The raw material was good stuff.  I had a good meal.  Though my friends said that people were looking at me while I was eating my beef raw.  I said at least I looked normal as I sipped my soup.

So this little public display shows that raw beef eating is a rare thing.  One of my friends was embarrassed and told me that maybe it’s not a good idea for me to eat in public like that again, people might think I’m some kind of monster.

I told my indian friend that the raw beef I ate was safe for the cancer sick, and the cooked beef everybody eats is unsafe for the cancer sick,  and eating cooked beef is what the public thinks is civilized.