Raw Vegan Diet cures Lyme Disease Symptoms

Health activist Arnold Kauffman helps his friend Marsha who was recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease. After a 10 Day Raw Food diet Marsha’s symptoms of Lyme Disease disappeared. Watch this video testimonial and be amazed.

As usual in the comments on that youtube video there are sour grapes that curse the video for being false, that the woman’s illness was not Lyme Disease. I’ve heard those idiotic arguments before, they argue that X disease is incurable so if you are able to cure yourself you must have been misdiagnosed and never had X disease in the first place. Talk about loopy baloney logic. A disease name is merely a shortcut name given to a collection of symptoms. The only thing that matters is the human was cured.

To those sour grapes who are not cured of Lyme Disease yet, here is a comprehensive protocol to cure lyme disease.