Sarsi with Egg: Root Beer with Raw Egg

In the 1970s a commercial on television was popular: Sarsi with egg. Sarsi is a brand of root beer. And the “egg” meant raw egg. People were not so concerned about the ridiculous salmonella poisoning and fear of everything raw back then. I know lots of people were swayed by this advertisement.

My maternal grandmother shared to me that whenever she gave birth, her mother would encourage her to eat lots of raw eggs with rice to restore her nutrition.

This morning I was at the balut / duck egg buying station in Marikina market and I bought a full tray of duck eggs. I said I’d taste the egg first. Funny, the vendor and the owners were oggling me while I drank the raw duck egg. Duhhh… didn’t Rocky Balboa the fictional boxer drink lots of raw eggs to shape up?

People need to rediscover their raw food roots. Okay, so softdrinks aren’t good for you, but at least this guy improves on his drink by adding a raw egg.