Type 2 Diabetes Cure: Eat Raw Bitter Melon Fruit Every Day

By going on a paleo diet whether cooked paleo diet or better yet raw paleo diet plus eating some raw bitter melon every day will give you the nutrition you need to overcome insulin resistance aka diabetes type 2. The nutrition in bitter melon allows your body to be able to repair itself so you now overcome insulin resistance. You will be insulin sensitive.

If you do not have bitter melon fruit in your country, then you can juice raw greens daily to give you the same nutrition.

This is simple and easy diabetes type 2 CURE. Raw Paleo Diet is a curing diet, with Raw Bitter Melon giving you the extra kick to cure diabetes type 2. Learn how to practice a raw paleo diet at http://www.rawpaleoforum.com

I live in Manila, Philippines and bitter melon / ampalaya is a very common fruit usually mislabeled as a vegetable so it is sold in the vegetable section. There is a big enough number of the population who actually find this fruit delicious. My grandmother was one of them. She planted bitter melon in our back yard and served bitter melon almost every day at one time when I was a teenager. Maybe that was her natural body chemistry telling her this was good for her to stave off diabetes?

If you have a serious diabetes case, then by all means juice a whole bitter melon fruit every day. Throw away the fiber so you get pure and potent nutrition.