Magnesium Deficiency Experiment #1 with Malunggay – Moringa Oleifera: Raw Capsules and Tea

I did my little research last night and this morning regarding my suspected magnesium deficiency.  Which along with dehydration, may be the chief cause of gall bladder stones formation… bile is lacking magnesium for proper flow… instead of the parasitism theory.  I was looking at American nutrition data websites and the foods they had that looked promising for me were tuna and brazil nuts.  I remembered I live in the Philippines and I am pretty darn sure we are blessed with almost everything.  And then I came upon exploring the magnesium contents of various green leafy staples in the Philippines.  I chanced upon the testimonials of Malunggay – Moringa Oleifera: in Raw Capsules and as tea.  It seems that unknown to those individuals, collectively to the discerning eye, they were all pointing to magnesium deficiency resolution. My focus was gall bladder stones. And the testimonials were fantastic… very logical.

Gall Bladder Stone

I felt a sharp pain right below my chest. It was so painful that I almost pass out. I puked a yellow substance and my eyes were yellowish as well. I was taken to Vicente Sotto Hospital and my ultrasound result showed that I have stones in my gallbladder and was advised to undergo operation the soonest possible time which would cost me P 150,000.00. I called up my sister and she brought me Moringa ysp Condensed Powder Tea. I was skeptical about it but I felt I didn’t have any choice but to try. I took two cups of tea, and in few minutes the pain subside. I kept on drinking the tea and fortunately the pain was gone and I was able to go back to Hongkong for my work. Until this time, I don’t feel any pain and I never went back to the hospital.

May Larita, Naga,Cebu


Gallbladder Stone

In 2000, my ultrasound result showed stones in my gallbladder. The doctor advised me to undergo surgery but I wanted to try alternative medicine. My treatment at that time involved drinking a liter of apple juice a day for 6 consecutive days. I also have to take antacid as well for hyperacidity. On the 7th day, I have to fast for a day and take ½ cup of live oil. I started to have greenish discharge and the stones were flushed out of my system as well. Just this year, I felt the same pain and again my ultrasound showed stones in my gallbladder. This time, I was hesitant to take the same regimen because of the hyperacidity that the apple would cause, the weakness in my body during the fasting and the sharp pain when I discharged due to the stone. My daughter introduced Moringa Tea. I have to consume 1.5 L of Moringa tea (the powder included) together with the apple juice for six (6) consecutive days. This time, I did not take antacid because there was no hyperacidity and during the week I could feel that my stool have powdered stones in it. After the fasting and drinking of olive oil, I did not feel weak and no more pain when I discharge because the stones have been powdered as early as the third day that I took Moringa Tea. Now, my gallstone is completely gone.

Herminia Torres

Check out the numerous magnesium and other nutrient deficiency success stories here

More about just magnesium here but I prefer real food than magnesium supplements.

Why it is logical to look at testimonials. From testimonials you can infer what kind of action and benefit a food item has. Malunggay – Moringa Oleifera is either raw enhanced processed food in capsules or cooked food in tea that you can buy or make yourself from fresh malunggay leaves… which are ultra cheap in the Philippines.

Malunggay is so well recognized by almost everyone including the national government here. Unfortunately there is no patent on this humble natural common plant, so it is up to you and me to spread the word of healing with this vegetable.

This is the first time I will get serious in eating this plant… also serving it to my family. I will be doing at least a 1 week experiment as my healer friend Sir Romy has suggested. Using these testimonials I can make my own experiment bombarding myself with moringa oleifera in various forms: Raw capsules, instant tea and freshly boiled tea.

Malunggay capsules are more commonly known for their breast milk making properties. So many mothers swear of the efficacy of malunggay capsules, you cannot eat enough leaves in soup to equal the power of malunggay powder in capsules. Ask a mother and she will say her breasts are just pumped up and bursting with breast milk. My own wife many years ago gave this testimony too. Malunggay capsules are expensive! 6.75 per 500 mg capsule for the lesser known brand. I may think of drinking initially 3 capsules a day, then upping to 5 and then 7 capsules per day… or maybe 10. Let’s see how my body reacts.

Instant tea seems new, it may come in handy when you are out on travel, or in business meetings. I’m tasting some now, powdered instant malunggay tea tastes good. Will probably take 2 malunggay teas a day.

Home made tea maybe better than instant tea, if you have access to fresh leaves… it is only 5 pesos a bunch. Just boil for some 20 minutes… see that the water turns green… green enough to drink. Probably boil a liter of water and let it evaporate and make you 1 or 2 cups. Our maid is brewing some malunggay tea now at home while I’m working here in the office. Will probably drink 2 malunggay teas a day too.

So… I hope to follow in the footsteps of those Moringa Oleifera success stories above with gall bladder stones. Wish me luck.