Healing skin damaged with 8 years of vaseline, petroleum jelly

My brother’s skin status to date.

His hospitalization due to constipation gave me the opportunity to study his skin and interview him for a couple of hours. These are my findings:

  • he used petroleum jelly every day for 8 years to moisturize his skin and sate his feelings of dryness
  • his skin is thick like bond paper
  • his pores are enlarged because they cannot breath through the dead skin which now looks like microwave clear wrap
  • he only perspires in the areas least coated with petroleum jelly, his upper back, his groin, and underarms
  • he compensates by peeing more often
  • he feels great when taking hot baths and hot saunas to perspire
  • the back of his feet and hands crack, ooze and wound, they are being used for toxin removal
  • without the use of petroleum jelly, he is shedding his old skin, but not fast enough
  • he is using a substitute moisturizer but plant based, papaya

I now have told my brother to drop moisturizers all together. Let his body heal itself. I want him to shed his old skin faster. Have him do loofa scrubbing everyday.

The new goal is to reactivate his battered skin and pores. Once these pores are free from layers of dead skin, they can breath again, hopefully, they can heal and be reactivated for perspiration again. When this happens, I predict he will be fully healed and become handsome again.

I do not know if we will be able to find a skin doctor who does not use drugs to help us with this condition. Maybe we do not need one. Time will tell.

The following explanation regarding petroleum jelly is very important for everyone and most especially mis-informed dermatologists:

Vaseline cannot be absorbed by healthy skin and creates a thin film on the surface of the skin, blocking the pores and preventing the skin from functioning normally. Vaseline does not contain any Vitamins and disturbs or even stops the skin from being able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Vaseline’s is detrimental to the skin with long-term use. Mineral oils appear to moisturise the skin but in reality they suppress its normal, healthy functioning. The skin then becomes ‘dependent’ on constant applications of mineral oil which, in turn, result in a deterioration of the skin’s character and ability to keep itself healthy. It clogs the pores, is hard to remove and is a bit like having cling film wrapped around your body.

The full article the quote was culled from can be found here.