Modified Andreas Moritz and Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea liver flush

The week prior I used supplements to tone my liver.  Dandelion supplements, Milk thisle, hepatodoron, flaxseed oil, Vitamin B complex.

This April 6 I concluded a modified Andreas Moritz liver flush while having consumed 1 liter of apple juice per day for 1 week.  I took epsom salts at 6:30 pm and 9:30 pm then the 4 ounces extra virgin olive oil and 4 ounces lemon juice at around 11:30pm.  In the morning, I had a light vegetable breakfast and at 9am I consumed 1/2 cup of Dr Tam’s Miracle Tea to clear my bowels.

At around 2pm I unloaded in two dumps a handful of good sized green liver stones.

I had the classic re-run of my former eczema with shoulder pain.  Today’s flush showed immediate beginning of healing.

But these liver stone formations must be stopped.  I want to stop liver flushing.  I think I have an idea.  I will post my idea next.