Colon Cleansing 3 year old cures 4 day tummy ache

Last night we suspected the 4 day tummy ache initiated by coconut milk was really the worms, the parasites scrambling out the colon but got stuck.  That them being stuck and dying caused our son colic.  That even though our son was pooping, some were still stuck in his colon.

Our strategy was to give “salabat” or yellow ginger tea to consume the gas buildup.  Then before going to bed, Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea, a colon cleanse herbal tea.  The dosage for a 3 year old child is 2 tablespoons.  I called Dr. Tam’s office to get that suggested dosage.

And you know what?  It worked! Beautifully! Wonderfully!  As planned!

I woke up at 6am in the morning and there was our 3 year old being washed by the yaya.  A lot of poop she said, a lot of poop he said as well.  That brought him instant relief.  But of course the miracle tea was still doing its miracles and he pooped 2 more times for a total of 3.

By lunch time my 3 year old wonder was an eating machine as I feed him monggo sprouts in a soup and raw spinach with raw onions and white rice.  He loved every bit of it.  In the evening he was a dynamo running about with his brother and sister.

Whew, what a relief.  Good thing I have Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea stocked in my refrigerator.  This was a true cure experience.  I was not paid by Dr. Tam to endorse his product.  It just worked.