My Coconut Juice Fasting Plan in place of the Orange juice fast

I enrolled in Barefoot Herbalist’s School and learned about the orange juice fast. I would like to do the orange juice fast but there are a couple of differences in my circumstances.

First, oranges do not grow here in the Philippines, which means I will be getting imported oranges, which most probably is not organic and has probably been sprayed with chemicals prior to shipping.

Second, I can’t access Barefoot’s herbs because he won’t ship outside of the USA.

What to do? Draw on the concepts of the orange juice fast and localize it.

Coconut juice in place of orange juice. Coconut juice is alkaline. Coconut juice is what we got in the Philippines. We are coconut country number one in the world. I will have to talk to our village coconut vendor to supply me with preferably pink coconuts and the freshest picked coconuts. With coconut juice I will need ZERO WATER. I may need 5 coconuts a day? At P 18 per coconut that is around P 100 per day or $ 2 US dollars per day. These are not freshly picked coconuts, probably 2 or 3 days picked.

Fruit for the evening, the guide says 1 fruit and eat until full. Then there is a contradicting page that says preferably not eat, but if you must, just pineapple. Great, pineapples are native here. There are also bananas. Latundan bananas would be best. Berries? This is hard. Mangoes or Atis or Rambutan maybe. I think I will listen to my body wisdom on this.

Bowel movement. I have no experience with enemas. I will have to substitute this by using Dr. Tam Mateo’s miracle tea, made fresh all the time, liquid, easy to spoil, never fails. You get a bowel movement after 5-8 hours of drinking. Drink around 8pm?

I think I can begin doing this tomorrow. I have all the materials at hand. Let’s see if I will survive 3 days fasting initially. I just finished a liver flush so this is a good time to begin. The moon is a waxing crescent.

My objective in fasting is to clinch that prize of absolute health. I’m not there yet. This will be my first fast attempt using the orange juice way by barefoot modified by me. I will want to make small fasts first then work up to 14 days. Then attempt another up to 21 days. Then finally attempt a 40 day fast.