My plan to make cayenne tincture using siling labuyo

I just saved my brother 2 weeks ago using 2 pieces of siling labuyo when the hospital ER couldn’t do anything to help improve his breathing.

Then I heard of a classmate who’s mom had a stroke but has been unconscious for 3 days and I told her the same remedy and some website links to making cayenne tincture.  These are the ones made by Dr. Schulze.

Now I went into some googling and found that these dried cayenne and tinctures are useful and they are easy to do.  I know in OPTA where they sell dried cayenne in bottles, powdered.  I even know that farm and that farmer personally.  I’ve been to that farm near general santos city.  I’ve researched the heat level of siling labuyo and it is absolutely acceptable for the cayenne tincture.  I’ll call it the siling labuyo tincture.

All I need now is wait for the full moon and a source of fresh siling labuyo.  The schedule from shows that the next new moon happens on October 11, 2007.  That is the day we start making the cayenne tincture.