My current theory on raw eating. Open to your theories too!

Just on the topic of food / water.

The blindspot of the paleolithic diet is recommending the drinking of water. Only today with distillers and reverse osmosis machines can we drink clean water. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Barefoot, hygienists and the fruitarians agree on the concept of water. Humans are not drinking animals.

Water needs to come from food.  Water in food is structured to benefit humans.  I have experienced this first hand.  Plain water is yuck. Eating cooked food as the paleo diet says will require drinking water.

Raw food / fruitarian gives you all the pristine water you need.

My theory is that the ideal / garden of eden conditions diet is 100% raw food / fruitarian some fruit veggies and some nuts. Easy, convenient, nutritious.

In times of less available fruits, turn to cooking vegetables, which are inedible raw.

In times of despair, eat animals but you gotta cook em and put spices on them to make them taste good.

When times are better again, garden of eden conditions, 100% raw food / fruitarian.

I therefore think that eating cooked animals or cooked vegetables is an option to avoid starvation. Crisis situations only. Subsistence. Probably winter food. Not intended for the long term. That is why people get sick. The crisis foods become staple food.

Of course paleo diet and raw foodists agree that agriculture brought on the modern diseases. Grains are for the birds only. Rice, corn, wheat, soy, potatoes should not be staple foods.

Barefoot replied with:

Pretty good.

The only option about the animals is to eat them RAW as many Indian Cultures did/do. Even the old medical studies stated if yur going to eat the animal, the only way to benefit properly is to eath the entire thing as most predators do in nature when they are truely hunger.

If people had to kill their own animals and eat them raw, my guess is 95% of the animals would not be killed. A young child has to be tought to kill and eat an animal, it is not something we are born with.

If children were taken to slaughter houses, they would be sick as would many humans that were not trained to gut and slice up animls as a way of life.

I was trained on the farm to hunt/trap and seen about everything cut up, etc…and my boys were not raised that way and they have no instinct to go hunting and I am sure when they seen the animal suffering, they would be freaked out, because you need to be young to accept such things as normal.

Today we have hospitals world wide harvesting organs from humans who are still alive, it has gotten to the point that such things doesn’t bother medically trained people, since they have the aid of vaccines to help them accept non natural things as normal to them.


Now this is interesting. Now what about raw eggs? I’m sure many mammals and animals routinely preyed on eggs. What if I added raw eggs to my staple diet? Ah self experimenting.