A website solidly against drugs demands freedom from forced medical treatment

A web site demanding freedom from forced medical treatment and the right to persue alternative health care for ourselves and our children. We demand the right  to employ natural immunity and healing in preference to medicinal drugs, vaccinations, antibiotics and other vile products of the pharmaceutical companies. We further demand the  right  to refuse to be governed by self-serving “statistics” provided by these companies and their errand boys, the FDA and CDC.


Drugs are not the cure, they are the cause. The use of drugs and vaccinations in the treatment and prevention of disease should be abolished. It doesn’t work, it never did and never will,  except according to the statistics created by those in the business of promoting these products. When someone dies from this stuff called “medicine”, doctors are well versed in how to cover up.  The death certificate might read “heart failure”. When some dies from the flu shot, which happens more often than you think, once again the death certificate might read “heart failure”.  The drug companies manage to keep a clean slate. I find that the number one cause of sickness, disease, premature death, birth defects and crime in our society is medicinal drugs. Unexplainable mass murders are not caused by those who failed to take their medicine, but by those who did take it. Children who kill are not children who failed to take their prozac. They are children who did take it. Nothing causes more depression than anti-depressants. The Jefferey Dahmers of the world are almost always those who took their medicine, or thet are the products of  mothers who took theirs.  We can stop the high rate of crime, the diseases for which no cure can be found, even the budget deficit, by stopping the use of drugs or that stuff called “medicine”. It is the number one cause of our nations earth shattering problems and in time, will prove to be the number one cause of the pollution of the earth’s water supply.