Quantum Minerals Plus drops in nose clears stuffy mucus really fast

My daughter last night was crying, could not sleep, too much mucus.  Probably because she ate too much cooked food, processed food, etc.  It was the weekend, seeing relatives and eating exotic stuff. She was having problems breathing I could see.  Her automatic system came in, she coughed, cried, and threw up some mucus and some undigested food.

So last night we gave her a warm bath and a steam bath with some oregano oil.  I dilluted the oregano oil 1 to 20 with virgin coconut oil but she said it was painful so I bathed her again.

I put her beside me and told her to sleep side to side so at least 1 nostril was free to breath.  She was able to sleep the rest of the night.

This morning grandma taught us that Quantum Minerals Plus, which she got from me also works to clear up mucus.  Just drop a few drops in the nostrils.  For grown ups you can drop it in the eyes and ears.  Of course there is some pain, so for my child I just tried 2 drops in 1 nostril.  Indeed there was pain, but I told my girl to wait 1 minute and the pain will go away.  Yes the pain did go away and with it she was able to breath properly through her nose.  I did not take her word for it, I felt her nose breath with my fingers.  Yehey… this stuff works really fast.  Another good use for Quantum Minerals Plus drops.

Today I am implementing a 100% raw day on my little girl.  Absolutely 100% raw to be able to get rid of all mucus.