Many safer alternative tools to antibiotic drugs

In our raw paleolithic forum I made a post about many alternatives to oral anti-biotics in trying to cure a foot infection. This is a short list of what I came up with as tools in our family arsenal.

I really do not like drug company anti-biotics as they are dangerous stuff and the side effects can be disastrous. They are objects of last resort to me. Doctors prescribe anti-biotic drugs because that is the ONLY tool they have in their arsenal.

The world has a lot more tools than drugs. These are some that I know and use.

If you want to use garlic, I would crush it, put it on a piece of plastic with virgin coconut oil / extra virgin olive oil, then stand on it under the soles of my feet. Do this 10 to 15 minutes. That is how I administer anti-biotics to my family.

Another method we administer anti-biotics is via ingestion of 1 drop oregano oil in 1 liter of water. Or you can use 2 drops of super concentrated oil of oregano in the water. Dip your feet in it. If you can stand stronger, add more oregano oil drops. Oregano oil is powerful stuff, do not drop it undiluted on your skin! I get my super strength oregano from

Another anti-biotic is electronic, we use a zapper from which can be locally placed wherever we might have a problem. Helped our family many times too. Like my little girl who had neck pain.

Clove oil is another antibiotic you can merely splash on your feet / skin. Powerful stuff. Gets rid of pests. I got my clove oil from a nearby Indian grocery. (Indians from India)

If you have festering puncture wounds you can cut and jam in freshly pounded cayenne pepper and it will work really fast. Actually if I step on an iron nail, cayenne pepper jamming is the first thing I would do.

Another cheap and easy anti-biotic for feet is hydrogen peroxide. What we have in our stores is a 10 or 20 volumes solution. Mix 50% with water. Dip feet in it for that anti-biotic treatment.

Another is silver… colloidal silver… put in a spray bottle and spray on the spot to your heart’s content. Spray and spray and spray.

What kind of disasters are we talking about regarding antibiotic drug use? Oh the usual candida, yeast infection and sudden death syndromes…. really bad side effects… potentially fatal… sometimes the cure is worse than the disease in the case of drug type antibiotics.