Barbershop Manicurist cures me of painful corn problem under my left foot

A few weeks ago I noticedmy left foot had a corn at the front middle underside.  Exactly where I press the clutch while driving.  That must be the cause.  Yesterday the pain of walking barefoot on the floor was getting to be awkward and painful.  Something had to be done.

I thought the most expedient way was to go to my barber and ask the manicurist to see.  I told her it seems to be hitting a nerve.  To her it was just another corn.  So she cut away, scrubbed her way and said that finally, she took the “eye” or the “seed” out and that I should be well now.

Indeed I was well.  But she cautioned that once a corn like that grew, it grew right back all the time.  Like a wart?  If it is a wart good old Mike Bote has a sure fire cure for warts.  I will find time to see Mike Bote about this case so it never has to return.
