Those idiotic dress code rules at the Marikina Health Center

Attention Mayor MCF. It is admirable that you want Marikina residents to be well dressed when entering government offices. But the problem is the implementation of your rules is done by ROBOTIC administrators down to ROBOTIC security guards.

This morning I rushed my cousin to the Marikina Health Center while looking for this Veterenary Office that claimed in their website to help with rabis, animal bites. My cousin was bit by a cat and his right hand and right arm was all inflamed and paralized. I dropped him off in front of the steps of the Marikina Health Center… instead he was accosted by the guard… why? He was in walking shorts and slippers.

I was furious at the ROBOT guards and the EQUALLY ROBOTIC admin officer in uniform who passed our way that said rules were rules that my cousin could not be entertained in their clinic for consultation because he was in walking shorts and slippers.

HELL IF YOU HAD AN EMERGENCY IN YOUR HANDS… WOULD YOU F**king care if you were STARK NAKED? I went into the doctors office and saw them seeing patients. I went out. Oh I see now, since I look a lot more handsome than my cousin, I get to go in… I’m in SLIPPERS TOO… but I’m handsome.

I WAS FURIOUS I was explaining to the guard to look, my cousin needs medical attention, his right arm is paralyzed and maybe in a few moments his BRAIN may be paralyzed as well… I appealed to another guard and the passing admin officer… ALL ROBOTS!!!

Yo Mayor MCF of Marikina… Do something about this please. Humans are not ROBOTS. You make exceptions in emergency cases. WHAT? You think my cousin got bit, has rabies is in an emergency, you reject him because he is wearing slippers… oh sorry I’ll come back again after I buy shoes. In the meantime, maybe in a few critical moments, he’s dead… maybe it was something worse than rabies.

We went elsewhere… No thanks to the Marikina Health Center… no service, no information, no help, no nothing, NO CONCERN BECAUSE MY COUSIN WAS WEARING SHORTS AND SLIPPERS. I’m sure you give good service to people in proper attire. ROBOTS. My taxes went to robots.