Coffee Enema to help Relieve Liver Inflammation due to Roast Pork Lechon?

One of the things to remember about being on a raw diet for years is to watch you do not binge on cooked food, even as a tourist, and more so when on travel. E found out the hard way and he’s been sick for quite some time after eating more than 1/2 kilo of lechon / roast pig on a spit in Palawan. E saw Dra. Divina Hey-Gonzales – Anthroposophic Doctor and she found out that the methods we have been doing with E have succeeded in eliminating the mucus from his lungs. The problem is that his right lung only fills up with air 2/3 of the way. The lung is not the problem, the problem is the liver is inflamed in that it pushes against the lower part of the right lung so the right lung cannot expand as such to accommodate inhaled air.

So we are in liver de-inflammation / deflaming mode. We need to do things that will stop that liver inflammation.

First suggestion of Dr. Divina Hey was the use of coffee enemas. 2 times per day for 3 days. Then she also gave her Anthroposophic medications, Weleda brand. She also suggested a colon cleanse.

Other ideas that came to my mind was eating raw fish as the omega 3 in their is anti inflammatory and also raw fat of beef and bone marrow has anti inflammatory stuff, raw eggs too. And stop eating those citrus green oranges, I don’t think those are good for this case. Also drink more ginger tea, although regular ginger is good, but turmeric tea may be more useful. In the markets here turmeric is called “luyang dilaw”.

2 days ago I gave E a coffee enema and we used pure Barako coffee from Batangas, we just bought it in the supermarket.

Last night E had 1/2 cup of Dr. Tam’s for his colon cleanse. I don’t think he needs more than that if he has been a raw foodist for 2 years.

Today he could take some turmeric tea. And probably later have another coffee enema.

E hopes to get well really soon so he can continue his vacation. Hoping to go on to an Australian farm.