What If Joseph and Mary’s Jesus Story Happened in Facebook Times? A Social Network Christmas.

What if Joseph and Mary’s tale happened in modern Facebook times? Entertaining. With some suggestions of how it would go about in this modern world.

The part when 23 people unfriended Joseph… Maybe have Joseph’s Mom, Dad, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters… Protest in so many censored words about Mary. Joseph’s entire clan blasts Mary’s entire clan. Clan wars! Joseph’s Mom to Mary’s Mom: “Do you really think we are such fools to believe a tall tale like that? We want our son Joseph back! Fra***! Wh****!”

There would be an investigation, some litigation, a DNA test, they would appear on Maury Povich show and Maury would say the DNA results show…. drum roll….. insert your imagination here.

Mary at 14 would be considered a minor under 2010 laws. Joseph would be branded as a PEDOPHILE and will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This video is an artistic take on how the story of the nativity might have read had a social network existed at the time of Jesus’s birth. Follow this historical period as it unfolds as a digital narrative. This vignette is great for highlighting the truths and circumstances of our Savior’s birth in a fresh, unique way.